Last evening the menu at Chez One offered pan broiled monkfish with a saffron shallot butter and white wine reduction that was cooked and seasoned to perfection. The only edible portions of the monkfish are its muscular tail and its liver. The tail meat of the monkfish is excellent. It is dense, sweet, and very similar to lobster tail meat in both flavor and texture.The fish was tender and juicy with a bit of browning from the broiler. The chef had procured fingerling potatoes that were more fingernailling in size. They were served with butter and chopped parsley. The thin skin gave way crisply between the teeth to the warm, starchy interior of the potatoes. Sauteed fresh baby spinach in garlic and Portuguese olive oil completed the plate. The meal was wonderful. The sweet, lightness of the fish was enhanced by the white wine sauce. The elements of the meal were simple, yet artfully arranged on the plate...the atmosphere quiet and unassuming. While Two ate hers, One explained the homely appearance of a monk fish...even that did not deter Two from soaking every bit of the sauce up from her plate with the Olive bread. What a delight on a Tuesday evening. Bistro One is highly recommended.

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